"Wine Country Inns of Sonoma County is pleased to announce a very special package featuring a total sensory experience for you.

Now, I've stayed at some fab inns up there, and you really can't miss with any of them. Go to the website and check them out-each is different and will appeal to a different sort of guest. Vintage Towers is really into the whole locavore movement; Hope-Merrill and Hope-Bosworth inns are big on winemaking (you can even pick your own grapes and make wine if you join their classes), and the Glenelly Inn has ongoing cooking classes.
In short, they're all pretty food-and-wine crazy. Which is why this deal is so great for true food fanatics, because it comes with a five-course dinner at Cyrus, which may be the only Michelin-starred restaurant in the county. My dinner at Cyrus was an unforgettable experience, from the brilliant and beautiful cocktails,to the indulgent Champagne and caviar cart to the foie gras three ways (all served by a wait staff who circle around your table like ballet dancers).
Okay, two nights' lodging and a fab dinner-what are we waiting for? If you want a memorable weekend, this package is worth a splurge.